Two years ago today after almost 2 long days of traveling with almost no sleep in a small, hot as -hell -office almost 8,000 miles away, we finally met our spicy Hubei Honey, S. After mounds of paperwork, physicals, background clearances and passport woes our daughter and a sister came kicking and screaming into our arms in an experience like no other and one I wouldn't trade for the world.
She was 3 1/2 years old when we met and from the time we first saw her picture months before, we knew she was meant to be a forever part of our family. You can read about our trip to China here. http://www.babyjellybeans.com/web/do/site/home?ID=219305
I will be eternally grateful for the work of the Heavens above, with the coaxing of one special angel who guided and eventually lead us to meet our S. It's hard to believe that 2 years have gone by already. Time has sped by so quickly that I can barely remember the time when she wasn't with us. She adds a spark of fire and fun with a dash of cuteness to our daily lives and I feel so blessed that she is my daughter.
Thank you my precious angel above for your help in bringing us together.