Yesterday morning we awakened to a visitor in our pool. As Big B was emptying out the filter baskets something was darting very quickly trying to avoid his fingers. He sensed it could be something that the boys would like and called to them eagerly to come see what might be lurking and darting in the water-filled basket. As we looked closer we noticed...a frog! Soon the frog escaped the basket and was swimming around our pool like a pro. Big B quickly grabbed the net and scooped the critter out of the big pool and just stood there wondering what to do with it next. I remembered that S's little pool was still filled from the previous day and suggested we out Froggy in there away from the chlorine until we figured out what to do with it. So into the little pool it went along with S's shovels, toys and watering cans. As the day progressed as the boys became attached to their buddy I knew taking him to the park across the street was pretty much not the way it was going to go. I soon found myself at Petsmart buying an aquarium to house the now name Murky along with a water neutralizer or whatever it was called. We found old gravel that we had left over from our crabs and filled the aquarium with gravel and the treated water. After several hours the boys thought that Murky looked hungry. HMMM.
Okay, what do frogs eat? I guess flies. So, Big B, Little B, E, S and myself along with the Dollar Store Butterfly catcher spent some quality time in our backyard over unscooped doggie poo attempting to catch a fly. Let me tell you...what joy!
After a long time a fly was caught...placed into the aquarium only to escape later because the stupid aquarium didn't come with a screen. We hadn't realized it until after we were home and Froggy, oops I mean Murky began hopping and nearly hopped out of the container.
Big B found himself with 10 minutes to spare before closing, at the Petsmart again buying Frog food last night.
I forgot to tell you that we were told by the Petsmart crew that Murky would be dead this morning after his ingestion of the pool water. We were prepared to see a floating frog instead of this smiling amphibian.
Again today, I found myself at Petsmart buying new gravel....pebbles and a couple of lily pads.
His water was changed tonight and he looks happy and content...although Big B thinks he needs a girl Froggy. Yea right!
So I'm including some pics of our new addition...hope you enjoy.
On another note, S's ear seems to be doing well. SIL A peeked last evening and thought it was just old wax. We'll continue the drops and follow up with MD Friday.
As the kids were swimming the past couple of days we had been smelling this God awful smell. We thought it could be a gas odor but we weren't quite sure. So I ended up calling PECO who were out in a very short time. Before I knew it they were drilling outside trying to find the leak that they had detected out front. We had PECO trucks, Verizon trucks, AQUA trucks all outside our home. GREAT! Now my front lawn and driveway were going to be dug up. After several hours we were informed that no leak was detected but that another crew would be out tomorrow to double check. Also....the stench????? something dead under a neighbor's shed. Double great! It's unreachable, not that anyone would want to reach it. So I guess we need to live with the stench until the carcass of whatever critter disappears....yuck!
Well, gotta run for now. Even though my life has been wonderfully busy lately tomorrow's date weighs heavily on my mind. Tomorrow is Katie's birthday.
Don't forget to hug your children,
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