We had many winners from the raffles and silent auction and I hope that if you're reading this, and if you were there, that you won something too. Unforutnately, I do not have pictures to post because my D^$N camera Stinks!
It's an inexpensive point N shoot which I feel like shooting right into the trash can. It cannot take photos indoors NO MATTER WHAT SETTING IT'S ON! I was able to salvage a few, but I need to re- look at them before I decide whether to post or not.
Thank you D, for taking the pics and video and I prayed (inbetween my dancing) sshhh that by some miracle they would turn out. BUt the camera just plain S&*%^! (Did I say that already?)
So what does a girl do? I've already begun hinting around to Big b that I really could use a decent camera and he could use it for his business as well. Every realtor needs a good camera. I even went so far as to tell him that I have a specific one in mind and would just LOve-Love-LOve it for Christmas....(hint hint) I promised him that I would gladly send the link as well and assured him that he would just LOve- Love- Love it as well.
In other life, YEAH PHILLIES! Next stop...World Series!
1 comment:
I'm glad it was a success!
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