Today I was able to celebrate a wonderful gift which was given to me by a woman with whom I will never know. Somewhere, on the other side of the earth in a country called China, an unknown woman is grieving for one of life's greatest losses, greatest devastation's, biggest tragedies. This loss... is the loss of one's child. Five years ago today a woman gave birth to a beautiful, precious little girl, perhaps not realizing the events which were to unfold. I often wonder about this courageous woman who shares a bond so deep with me that words cannot describe; Is she old?...does she have other children?... is she very young?....Is she married...or is she very poor?... does she live in fear of a "one-child-policy?...These things I will never, ever know about her. What I do realize, is what she has done takes more courage than I will ever have gained in my entire lifetime. Her actions have given me one of life's greatest treasures....a child. My daughter, S. My precious daughter, S, will always know that she has the gift of two mommys...one who gave her life...one who gives her a chance... To S's birth mommy in China, " thank you, thank you, thank you."