S's birthday party was held last weekend at our home. I began to worry about how to enetertain 10 five year olds so I decided to hire CHIPPY THE CLOWN. She was awesome and did a fantastic job with the kids. They did a short craft then she had them dancing, singing hopping and then did some magic. She was well worth the money considering that it was 17 kids here along with parents and not the original 10.
I have not been posting much lately and I am feeling a tad bit guilty although I see most of you on FB each day which is great. I think I'm becoming one of those FB addicts and although I try to limit my time there to just a few minutes I still find myself logging on several times a day checkin status updates. UGH! Last year I was addicted to RumorQueen and now it's Facebook. Is there any help out there for this addiction?
I am presently looking for a part-time job somewhere out there...(are there any) in which I might be able to use my nursing knowledge. Not patient care but perhaps continuing chart reviews as I had been doing. Part-time is perfect as it will still allow me to be home with the kids often. I am finding that homework has increased tremendously this year for the boys and even though most of the day to day homework is done independently, the projects are complicated enough where a parents guidance and supervision is needed. The job at Maximus was 25 miles too far.
My photography class continues to be a lot of fun and I'm disappointed that we are off tomorrow due to President's Day. I have been spending some time traveling to parks and out my front door snapping pictures and hoping for a good turn out. I've downloaded hundreds of pictures, our most recent ones from Valley Forge National Park taken yesterday. I will upload them later in it's on post.
Everyone has been healthy, knock on wood, and the kids are well. Even though the now can be beautiful, if and when we see it, we are all looking forward to the start of Spring and hanging outdoors. Yesterday was a good day as the Philadelphia Phillies pitchers and catchers were to meet in Clearwater, FL. Yes, Spring can't come soon enough.
Until the next time,
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