It's been a few days since my last post and I would like to explain. My boys have rediscovered and the computer seems to always be occupied when I'm ready to blog. They have a blast on the game as one or two of their friends are members as well. It's an innocent game by DISNEY and while they are playing I can hear them giggling and laughing which makes my heart sing. I actually enjoy listening to the background music of Club Penguin and have found myself humming the dang song to myself on occasion. Maybe it's soothing or something....don't tell my kids though, they will laugh their heads off.
Today's date is the 27 of June. Last year at this time we were running around frantically, or at least I was, trying to makes sure everything was in its place as we prepared to travel to China. S has been with us for almost one year which leads me to my next subject which may or may not disgust you. After our return home last year we had her at the pediatricians for her check-up shots, etc. I needed to collect stool samples, which I am now an expert at doing, for them to be tested for parasites. Well back last August, my S tested positive for Giardia.
Since last year she has been on countless courses of medications to attempt to rid her body of this critter. After one course of medication is finished, I would wait some time before collecting another sample, collect it, drop it off and then wait for the phone call. After the last time back in April or May the doctors had her one a double course of the medication. They doubled the dose, and extended the amount of time to give it...doubling it. Initially, I thought that was it and that we were done. Her (You know whats) actually appeared somewhat normal for a short time. happened. For those of you who have fought Giardia in the past know, it does not quite look like diarrhea...sorry for the description, and it's not just floats.
So, after I saw those floaters again, my heart sank and sent in another stool sample. Guess what? I was called several days later and told it was negative!!! WooHOO!!! But in my heart I knew those critters were still there. Those floaters aren't floating for no reason. So my mommy's gut told me to collect another sample, which I did. We got the call yesterday. The sample several weeks ago had been misread...(now how did I suspect that?) It really was positive and so was the sample from last week. Now, not only is my baby still infected with the Giardia parasite,but now I'm being told that there is another one making it's evil presence as well. This one is for those of you that may be dealing with parasites.
We will now see both a GI specialist at St Christopher's and an Infectious Disease doctor from CHOP.
For those of you who may be adopting a child who has lived in a SWI,please be vigilant upon returning home. Even though one stool sample may be negative, please send at least three.
Now to change the subject which will probably make you all happy. I mentioned before that our one year anniversary is approaching of meeting my daughter. I will save that memory for a post next week. This weekend is when we plan on celebrating our Family Day. Friends who were were very fortunate to meet while in China, the P's and the G's, are planning on coming over tomorrow for our reunion. There were 7 families in our travel group, but only 4 of us families were in Wuhan for one week. We did not meet the others until Guangzhou and therefore, as beautiful and as nice as they all were, we did not get the chance to know them very well.
Unfortunately, I do not even remember their names.
But the week spent in Wuhan, was a week that will never leave my mind. It is those families who bonded well. Unfortunately, one of the families, the A's will not be able to join us because their beautiful daughter has recently had surgery and she is recovering. I hope that we will be able to see them in the future.
I have a busy day ahead today cleaning, cooking and getting the house ready. I am looking forward to this and have been for a long time. I cannot wait to see everyone.
I promise to take lots of pictures and post when I get the chance. For now though,
I will close. Remember, it's hot outside, please be mindful of your children and pets. Do not leave unattended in a hot car.
Also, secure your may save a life.
Today at Homestead
7 years ago
It's 7:15 AM... and I'm on here because all three kids are asleep... which means Kyle isn't play Club Penguin at the moment... HAHAHA! The moments we finally get to ourselves ;)
I love him playing that... he has a blast with B & E!! He's a secret agent with night vistion ya know!
Back onto my girl, I mean your girl, I am saying prayers that you the bug goes away soon. She's a strong kiddo. She'll kick giardia's ass!
Uh ohhhh, I hear feet upstairs.. I might be getting kicked off here soon for a penguin to play.
whooops. I meant to type "the bug"... not you the bug. I made it sound like her mommy is a bug.. sorry. I have too many paint fumes going to my head :)
I'm glad you posted on my blog. I think of you a lot and have been wondering how you are. Keep in touch!
Alison had Giardia when she was little and even spent time in the hospital with it. I remember how brutal it was. I hope your little one is better soon!
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