Saturday, May 29, 2010


Almost 2 years ago we found a new friend and what was to soon become an unexpected member of our family. Stuck in our skimmer was a leopard frog desperately trying to make an escape. Big B rescued it and we placed in in our smaller, non-chlorinated pool. It stayed throughout the day and after much begging by the kids I went off to Petsmart to learn what I could find about keeping this frog. The news was gloomy at best and I broke it gently to the boys that due to probable ingestion of chlorine the frog would probably die within 24 hours. This is what the nice people at the pet store told me. But I had to fight to try to keep it alive. So home I went with a new tank, gravel and various other paraphenalia that only a frog could love. you may find pictures here. It's been almost 2 years since we added Murky to our family. The manager at Petsmart was incorrect in his assumption and the frog has remained healthy and seemed comfortable and happy. About a month or so ago though, Murks decided to stop eating. Those yummy crickets that he or she once hunted with gusto stayed in the tank, untouched by a frog's tongue. The past day or day his body has swollen and his skin has changed color. Although frog's can get swollen bellies from a certain bacteria that they are prone to, this is different.
The boys are aware that Murky is dying and it's very sad. As I sit here typing, his swollen body floats listlessly as his eyes open and close ever so slowly. I've been praying for this little frog and I've asked the kids to add him to their prayers,,,that he is not suffering. I've even shed a tear or two for the frog that has brought us so much fun. It's okay Murky. If there is a place in Heaven for frogs you will soon be there.

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