What a rainy, dark and dreary Friday. It has been so cool lately that I'm wondering what has happened to Spring. Our pool is scheduled to be opened next week and I'm beginning to second guess my decision of opening it early. The temperatures are not supposed to get any higher than 75 next week. Certainly not swimming weather. Most years we go directly from cool weather to hot summer-like sweltering weather....so perhaps this year will be no different.
E seems to have recovered nicely from his strep throat. He's back to school today and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that no one else in the house will catch the nasty bug. S continues to do well and her mastery of the English language still amazes me. We had her speech evaluated at Shriners a couple of weeks ago...I may have mentioned it, and they have no worries. She is doing beautifully considering that at present, English is her second language. She is basically on par with others her age with just a few sounds being difficult to her.
I will admit that I believe that she does have some attachment issues that I may consider some therapy for her. Sometimes I think that S is "anxiously attached" to me. There are many hundreds of times that I cannot leave the room without having her under my feet. She always needs to know where I am....but these things could be age-related as well. This past week bedtime has been a bit better. She usually will pop out of bed several times each night before going to sleep. She usually ventures out of her room for one reason or another many times. We just keep putting her back into her bed and telling her it's bedtime. So far this week she's done much better. Monday thru Thursday she stayed in her bed. Last night she did come out of her room one or two times before drifting off to sleep. Hopefully this is an indication that bedtime will definitly become easier for all of us.
I also took a short video of her in the bathtub the other day so I will attempt to upload it later.
I am feeling the same. For those of you who know, I have been out of work for over a month now with a mysterious pain in my side that no one seems to know what it is. I've had many tests completed: Let's see, I had a pelvic ultrasound, two abdominal ( RUQ ultrasounds), an x ray of my spine and two CT scans of the chest for something completely unrelated. We are still no closer to finding the cause of the pain now then I was a month ago. The problem is that all of the tests that have been done were not in the area of the pain. The pain is between the pelvis and the RUQ. I am completely frustrated as now I have lost my job as a staff nurse. The pain was becoming unbearable as I continued to stand for my 12 hour shifts. The doctor put me out of work, and now...having no time left because of the time that I took off for the adoption, I lost my position.
I try to remain positive and think that something better will come along. I pray it does and I pray that this pain is nothing serious that the doctors are missing. I'm tired of hearing the excuse that it could be depression. I want some answers. One doctors has said that it's a pinched nerve so he sent me to an orthopedist. He in turn says the pain is coming from my abdomen. UGH. What now?
Ok, so there is my vent for the day.
I want to thank everyone who has viewed the Help Save A Life video. Please continue to pass it on to everyone you know. You may find it below....just scroll down.
I hope everyone have a wonderful Friday. For those of you living nearby...enjoy the rain.
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